Drought of Honesty, detail

Phoenix, 235 x 114 cm and Ortigia, 220 x 92 cm

Breakdown, detail

Ortigia, detail

Sue Hotchkis
Sue is an artist based in the Highlands of Scotland.  By using print techniques and machine stitch she creates two- and three-dimensional abstract wall pieces, saturated with colour and stitch to highlight the beauty found in the processes of ageing and decay.
Inspired by the relationship between the natural elements and the man-made, such as that resulting from erosion and human use; the slow breaking down materials over time, create broken and fragile surfaces that are ephemeral in a state of flux. It’s this unconscious beauty that she aims to capture. 
Sue works intuitively, marks, textures and colours are exaggerated, intensified to reveal the detail and complexity from within the inspiration. Form, surface and texture are integral to her practice along with the use of layering and holes that play with the notion of what is seen and unseen. The pieces are a visual and tactile landscape of form and texture. 
Whilst being aesthetically pleasing the work also acts as a metaphor for deterioration and ruin, associated with urban decay and ultimately death and loss.
Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally and she has undertaken private commissions as well as being included in several publications.
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